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NuHumic WDG is a technically woven, humic acid-based soil conditioner that combines humic acids with VERGETM, a leading edge dispersing granule. NuHumic WDG’s novel granule complex introduces a new dimension to humic acid products – providing a reliable source of unparalleled levels of soluble humic acid to the plant rootzone without having to rely on inconsistent geochemical or microbial reactions to breakdown parent materials (such as Leonardite fines) used in many other humic acid granule products.

Redefining Humic Acid Performance

With the introduction of NuHumic WDG, innovative concepts and leading edge technologies are moved to reality. More importantly, the use of NuHumic WDG allows the turfgrass manager to profit from a product that redefines humic acid performance.
NuHumic WDG humic acid fractions improve the soil structure and enrich the properties of soil by increasing the exchange capacity and buffering qualities, increasing the retention of applied fertilizers in the soil profile, promoting the chelation of many elements and improving their plant uptake.

NuHumic does not rely on the uncertainties associated with the need for precursors, biochemical reactions and enhanced microbial populations to solubilize its humic acids.

Leading Edge Granular Technology

NuHumic WDG Verge granules are a novel source of soluble bioactive components of high quality humates.
The NuHumic WDG granules incorporate a patented clay and leonardite complex within the proprietary Verge dispersing granule’s composition.
The NuHumic WDG Verge granule has been engineered to rapidly release its high humic acid content following a watering-in cycle. NuHumic’s rapid release technology does not rely on the uncertainties associated with the need for precursors, biochemical reactions and enhanced microbial populations to solubilize its humic acids.

This ensures that levels of humic acids sufficient to initiate reactions needed to improve the soil structure, enrich the properties of soil and provide benefits to plants are quickly and uniformly established with the use of NuHumic WDG.