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REBALANCE is an advanced rootzone soil surfactant and soil conditioner designed to enrich roozone profiles and enhance hydration, water movement, and promote uniform water distribution influenced by water repellent soil. The product contains a leading edge triblock surfactant and an auxin-enhanced seaweed extract (SWE). In addition to serving as a reservoir for major and minor nutrients, amino acids and vitamins, the amended seaweed extract also contains cytokinin and auxin -- important organic compounds that have been shown to enhance turfgrass tolerance to heat and water deficit stress.

Surfactant Component

The tri-block copolymer construction of the REBALANCE surfactant contains non-polar “anchors” that the surfactant uses to adhere to the water repellent surfaces on and within the soil profile.

Once attached to the non-polar surfaces, negative sites on the surfactant molecules serve as sites for water molecules attachment (adhesion). Attachment of water molecules to the surfactant molecules produce a very uniform and consistent pattern of hydration and of the surfaces and reduce surface tension that enhances penetration, infiltration and contributes to uniform flow in the soil – even within highly water repellent rootzone profiles.

Auxin-Enhanced Seaweed Extract Component

Seaweed extracts (SWE) have been used as fertilizers and soil conditioners for centuries --serving as a reservoir for major and minor nutrients, amino acids and vitamins B1, B2, C, and E. More recently, seaweed and seaweed extract have been found to contain cytokinin and auxin -- important organic compounds that have been shown to enhance turfgrass tolerance to heat and water deficit stress.

Researchers have found the when turfgrass roots are damaged or unhealthy from heat stress, cytokinin applications in the rootzone appear to reinstate cytokinin activity in the turfgrass plant and help mitigate heat stress injury.

Additional auxins have been added to the REBALANCE formulation in order to provide an effective seaweed-based soil conditioner that consistently contributes to the plant’s ability to increase the effective root area of absorption (root mass) during midsummer stress conditions.